Vedant Kashyap

My Expertise

Your go to DevOps guy. I love automating things. I plan to become a specialist in Amazon Web Services. Always having the curiosity and enthusiasm to learn new things and implement them! These days, I'm into Data Science. I'm currently pursuing a Coursera Certification Course on Data Science from University of Michigan.


AWS, Microsoft Azure, NGINX, IIS, Tomcat


Python, Javascript, C++, Powershell, Bash


Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Jenkins, Terraform



Currency Recognition System

  • Python, NumPy, CV2
  • Microsoft Azure

Recognizing different currencies from different countries and their respective denominations with an authenticity checking if an Indian currency note is fake or real.

Check it out


AMPS Design

  • Google Maps API

Cellular planning of AMPS (1G) mobile system for Delhi using MATLAB, calculating cluster size, number of clusters according to a realistic samples of demographic data (Population of different Zones in Delhi, Area of each zone)

Check it out


Google Forms Autofill Bot

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • Docker, Kubernetes
  • AWS EC2

Python script to read table from HTML, filter and save it on a csv and run selenium browser tests in different platforms and different tools as mentioned above

Check it out


Jenkins Maven Terraform

  • Jenkins
  • Docker
  • Terraform

This project has a jenkins groovy pipeline to deploy a Maven WebApp running on a Tomcat server within a Docker container. I've used AWS ECR to store my custom tomcat image, ECS cluster along with FARGATE service to host the service.

Check it out